Publications scientifiques
Gauss T, Moyer J.D, Colas C, Pichon M, Delhaye N, Werner M, Ramonda V, Sempe T, Medjkoune S, Josse J, James A, Harrois A, Traumabase Group:
Machine-Learning Enhanced Prediction of Need for Hemorrhage Resuscitation after Trauma – The ShockMatrix Pilot Study Submited
Gauss T, Richards JE, Tortù C, Ageron FX, Hamada S, Josse J, Husson F, Harrois A, Scalea TM, Vivant V, Meaudre E, Morrison JJ, Galvagno S, Bouzat P; French Trauma Research Initiative.Association of Early Norepinephrine Administration With 24-Hour Mortality Among Patients With Blunt Trauma and Hemorrhagic Shock. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Oct 3;5(10):e2234258. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.34258.
Mayer, I, Josse, J., Wager, S., Sverdr, E., Moyer, J.D. and Gauss, T.
Doubly robust treatment effect estimation with incomplete confounders. Annals Of Applied Statistics (AOAS)
Jiang, W., Lavielle, M. Josse, J. and T. Gauss.
Logistic Regression with Missing Covariates -- Parameter Estimation, Model Selection and Prediction within a Joint-Modeling Framework. CSDA
Josse, J., Husson, F. Robin, G. and Balasubramanian. N. and Traumabase
Imputation of mixed data with multilevel SVD. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
Colnet, B et al.
Causal inference methods for combining randomized trials and observational studies: a review.
Moyer JD (MD); Hamada S.R (MD, PhD); Mayer I (PhD); Auliard O; Gauss T (MD)
Improvement of medical research on data base in the era of data science: the example of the TrauMatrix project.
Moyer J-D, James A, Gakuba C, Boutonnet M, Angles E, Rozenberg E, Bardon J, Clavier T, Legros V, Werner M, Mathais Q, Ramonda V, Le Minh P, Berthelot Y, Colas C, Pottecher J, Gauss T and the Traumabase Group